Faculty Staff Institutes
Sustaining Career Diversity Models
Direct Campus Support
HWW developed a model for multi-day Faculty Staff Institutes (FSIs) designed to immerse faculty and administrators in the national conversation about career diversity, share HWW methods and processes, and help them develop portable models for faculty development to their own campuses. These FSIs are one application of HWW’s guiding methods of “Reciprocity and Redistribution,” in including a broad range of stakeholders to develop, socialize, and sustain models of career diversity suited to local campus cultures.
"Train the Trainers"
We piloted a two-day Faculty Institute alongside the 2019 summer workshop in Chicago, and the HWW team at Marquette ran two FSIs over the course of 2022-2023. Four institutions participated: the University of Iowa, Ohio State University, Northwestern University, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Each of these gatherings hosted a team of five individuals from each institution (faculty members, administrators, and a graduate student representative). These sessions were aimed at equipping and funding teams to introduce an FSI on their own campuses in order to translate HWW best practices and lessons learned to local career diversity programming. Regional institutions, community partners, and employers have also been included in the development of these HWW campus institutes.