Jordan Mason
Jordan Mason joins the HWW team this year as the HWW Alum Engagement Coordinator. In this role, Jordan will be responsible for testing the establishment of an HWW Alumni Group connecting the now nearly 230 Predoctoral Career Diversity Workshop Fellowship alums to one another once the grant funded portion of the consortium ends. She will be updating contact information lists, sharing surveys with alums assessing how they’d like to connect with one another, and coordinating an alum advisory board dedicated with guiding the creation of a formal group. She hopes to determine how alums hope to engage with one another in the near and distant future. She also serves as a Graduate Admission Counselor in the Marquette University Graduate School, supporting students on their journeys to Marquette. She has worked with students in the following disciplines: Counseling & Psychology, Communication, Political Science, Humanities, Education, Speech Language-Pathology, and Graduate Dentistry. A Humanities graduate herself, she earned her B.A in English from Alverno College and an M.Ed. in Student Affairs in Higher Education from Marquette University.